8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

"Sir Knight"............

It has been some time, since I had a relatively clear mind and time to invest, by writing to you, my ever faithful and sole Reader. After all, summer is a period for all of us to charge our “batteries”, while doing nothing more productive than watching the ice cream dribble on our shirt, without moving to correct the problem.

A lot of my observations are unfortunately limited to the posts of my Facebook friends from all over the world. It would require tremendous effort to observe in vivo and my budget would not allow it at any rate.

However, more and more I have noticed that I receive friendship requests from people who have confused the ideals of Freemasonry with those of a peculiar religious fanaticism, or even racism,  through their devotion to various obscure knight Orders.

Observing that trait, I cannot help reminding myself the ideological, racial and religious orientations of that lunatic who massacred 100 innocent people in Norway, just two months ago. Therefore, I feel compelled to clarify a few things to all those Knights-To-Be, who believe that adding a shield and a cross in their profiles automatically make themselves members of an elite group.

This is NOT Freemasonry, my friends…..

A Freemason, first of all, does NOT bring Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Satanism or any other religion or denomination into his Lodge. Freemasonry was able to achieve the moral, spiritual and personal development of its members, over the Centuries, by keeping Religion out of its Lodges, thus allowing its members to communicate their ideas, free from any form of religious dogmatism. This is exactly the reason why we refer to the Supreme Being as The Great Architect of the Universe, because the only common truth we all hold is our belief of His existence and His power, NOT the particular Dogmata each one of us has chosen to follow in our private lives.

Furthermore, a real Freemason was never a racist and he will never be. All those orders of white knighthood are completely alien to the ideals and spirit of Freemasonry, which believes in the true Brotherhood of men.

As I have explained in previous posts, a true Freemason must be humble and be distinguished through his humility. All those regalia that may be impressive for the uninitiated people, DO NOT underline some sort of authority over other people but they show a level of duty which may be very heavy on the shoulders of those who wear those impressive attires. 

Agreed, the York Rite has the Knighthood levels, but if you do not know what this exactly means and what its philosophical foundations really are, I would advise against your attempting to imitate it by just wearing a robe with a red cross and holding a tin sword. 

At best, you’ll look more like an ambulance than a Knight.

If it was not so sad, receiving friendship requests from 20 year-old boys who call themselves “Sir Knight”, it would definitely be hilarious.